Each parcel has its own identity, rhythm and its own characteristics which will be expressed in the wine itself. I spend most of my time in the vineyards, I have learned to know them, I respect them and I cultivate them with care. In order to respect the lifeblood cycle and improve their immune defence system, I have opted for Guyot Poussard pruning. As I am against intensive farming as well as standardised wines, I am committed to a common sense approach, that’s the reason why all the vineyards are under organic management.
I am committed to preserving fauna and flora diversity in the parcels. Synthetic fertilisers, herbicides, pesticides are not used at all. I only use biodynamic preparations (horn manure, silica) and I work in tune with the phases of the moon and the planet.
In order to fight against diseases such as Mildiew and Oidium, I use copper and sulphur in combination with infusions and decoctions (horsetail, nettle, achillea). Only manual work is used in the vineyards and we use a small caterpillar tractor to carry out treatments and ploughing.
After manual harvest, the grapes are transported in cases in order to preserve the grapes. No machinery can replace the visual and manual precision, that’s why I prefer gathering a fantastic team of grape pickers, who beyond drinking, eating and laughing, perform rigorous sorting in the the vineyard so that only the best grapes find their way to the tank.
There is no room for artifice here.
White wines are pressed as soon as the grapes reach the winery, they are allowed to settle and then they are taken down to the cellar where fermentation will continue in oak barrels.
No new oak barrels are used, neither for the white nor for the red wines. In order to keep the characteristics of the wine and its terroir, no oenological yeast is added, no oenological product is used apart from low doses of sulfur to protect the wine from potential bacteria, when it is necessary.